
Showing posts from July, 2010

Response from Dr. Schultz! Indeed, there is some improvement!

Greetings everyone. I got a response from the Doctor, and I was feature on the Regenexx blog. With comparison pictures, I can actually see a reduction in the bulge. He is recommending another injection... But I don't know if I'm willing to go through with it if it involves another bone marrow aspiration. Read the regenexx blog post:

MRI Results Are In

Hello everybody. Sorry to keep you waiting. I finally got my MRI results 4-months post stem-cell injection. Before you even look at the images, I can tell you this: they look EXACTLY the same as my pre-procedure MRI's. The L4/L5 disc is just as dark and the protrusion is just as big. It looks like they made replicas of my previous MRI's! In any case, pain is a little better and manageable. But I still have that stupid protrusion that flares up my sciatica every once in a while. And the degeneration isn't improved, from what I can tell. I sent Dr. Schultz an email with the results, lets see what he says!

Up and down roller coaster.

Greetings everyone! Sorry for the delay. It's been hectic here in South Africa.. but i'll be heading back in 4 days and I should be getting my MRI in about 10 days. So hang in there for results! As for my condition, it seems my sciatica flares up every once in a while, ESPECIALLY after a night of drinking though! Otherwise I am completely pain free! So yeah, if I don't do much, i'm ok.. but if i'm active, I get flare ups. Makes sense right? At least I don't get flare ups when I'm not doing anything, anymore. Also I seem to have a much higher tolerance to sitting down.. like a CONSIDERABLE difference. The MRI will tell the whole story. 10 days and counting! We shall discuss everything then. Thank you for following and best of luck to you all.