What to expect on post-operative pain.

I've found an interesting tid-bit from Mr. Boeree's website, which is consistent with what they kept telling me at the hospital:

Although the recuperation after total disc replacement is relatively quick, you are certainly likely to be aware of some discomfort and soreness deep in your back. The wound itself and the surrounding stomach muscle will also feel quite bruised and tender initially. These symptoms will gradually dissipate over the days and weeks following your operation.

Another cause of lower back discomfort after disc replacement can be the facet joints having to get used to the slight readjustment of the vertebrae and often the rather improved range of movement compared to what they have been used to! Again these symptoms will usually settle, but if they remain troublesome we will sometimes recommend a course of facet joint injections.

It is not unusual to experience post-operative pain in one of your legs. This is caused by the nerves being slightly stretched as a result of the restored disc height. There will also be some bruising around the disc replacement which can irritate the nerves a little. Almost invariably these symptoms will pass after a few weeks, but if you are worried or the symptoms are very troublesome contact your GP or Mr Boeree’s office.

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