
Showing posts from September, 2016

Much Needed Update - 6 Years Into the M6-L

Hey guys! Thank you all for all the comments and e-mails. I've tried to respond to everyone; I've even had a few skype calls with prospective patients. You may all be wondering how I'm doing, so here's a quick update: I'm doing GREAT . No issues whatsoever. I've managed to control my facet pain by working on core exercises, with the added extra benefit of having a nice 6-pack, so cheers to looking good naked! As always, I stay away from long runs, squats, jumping, and any impact sports. When my back feels stiff, I do a bit of stretching and move on with my day. A word of warning to prospective patients though: despite me being happy with the surgery, some of you might not be as fit as I am. I'd consider this a warning: you might end up with facet issues. Cheers everyone!