
Showing posts from September, 2011

Trial and Error

Thanks everyone. I'm not crippled by the way. I'm still operational, but by the end of the day i'm feeling pretty bad, especially for the few minutes that I first lay in bed. I'm wearing orthopedic soles 'guaranteed to improve back pain' by Dr. Scholls. lol I am definitely pushing myself too much, but recently I hired another helper at the restaurant to take over some of the duties I was covering. Tomorrow i'll be getting x-rays and seeing a chiro. But what i've figured out is that the pain stems from an extremely tight muscle that runs from my lower back to my buttocks, on the left side. I'm stretching it by extending my left leg to the right as much as possible. It hurts like hell. I try it with the other leg and it doesn't hurt at all. That pesky muscle must die! I'll see if I can find muscle relaxants. I'll also be taking Omega 3's as I hear these relieve muscle spasms. Wish me luck!


My lower back is tight, VERY tight. It's hurting after a long day of work, up to the point where I get a little depressed. The next morning i'm feeling wonderful but the pain progresses during the day with some sciatica, lower back tightness and pain. I'm going to try and get some more x-rays with a friend of mine here in Miami. Otherwise i'll travel to Honduras to have them done free. I strongly believe I just need to take it easier at work. I'm working WAY too much, and it's both physically and mentally stressful. If a night of sleep makes me feel that much better, than I can't imagine what a few weeks will do. I probably need to do some healing and get those inflammatory agents out of there. Also, why is it so hard for masseuses to massage the lower back? Stretching barely helps too.