
Showing posts from September, 2010

2nd Meeting with Dr. Zigler: Comments on M6, Stenum, Nick Boeree, Ranier Cadisc, and more!

So a week ago I meet with Dr. Zigler because I wanted his opinion on what course of action I should take. I ended up getting Epidural Steroid Injections in an attempt to delay surgery, which means surgery is pretty much on the books in the near future. So I met with him today for my follow-up. We talked about a bunch of stuff: -The prodisc wouldn't be appropriate for me given my age, my goals, and the activity level I want. I need axial compression and the prodisc is last generation. -He's excited about the new trial they're probably starting at TBI in a few months:  The Ranier Cadisc . He actually explained to me how it works, particularly how it sticks to the bone. I didn't understand a word he said but basically there's a glue on it to attach it to the bone and then there's bony in-growth. He said he doesn't want me in  the trial  given how young the technology is. I should use something that has a little more history. Regardless, he's excited ...

Appointment with Dr. Zigler from Texas Back Institute!

Hello everybody! I met with Dr. Zigler yesterday. Just to let you know how fast we got working on something, I had an Epidural Steroid Injection today! But first things first, the Texas Back Institute is absolutely beautiful. Very modern, clean, professional, and FAST. I was attended rather quickly, my insurance was taken care of, and I had a couple of x-rays all in a matter of minutes. After that Dr. Zigler arrived with a huge smile in his face... he's a VERY NICE GUY. Very understanding of your situation and he likes to know about you as well. So anyways, we started talking and I went ahead and told him that what I've been trying to do to cure myself, and he completely understood where I'm coming from. He said he doesn't want to do surgery just yet because he's still testing new discs. But he basically told me that my disc is dead and it'll probably never recover. He said 'we have to take it out and put in a new one' (that's how the ADR conversat...