2nd Meeting with Dr. Zigler: Comments on M6, Stenum, Nick Boeree, Ranier Cadisc, and more!
So a week ago I meet with Dr. Zigler because I wanted his opinion on what course of action I should take. I ended up getting Epidural Steroid Injections in an attempt to delay surgery, which means surgery is pretty much on the books in the near future. So I met with him today for my follow-up. We talked about a bunch of stuff: -The prodisc wouldn't be appropriate for me given my age, my goals, and the activity level I want. I need axial compression and the prodisc is last generation. -He's excited about the new trial they're probably starting at TBI in a few months: The Ranier Cadisc . He actually explained to me how it works, particularly how it sticks to the bone. I didn't understand a word he said but basically there's a glue on it to attach it to the bone and then there's bony in-growth. He said he doesn't want me in the trial given how young the technology is. I should use something that has a little more history. Regardless, he's excited ...